orange spider. orange leaf. confirms my deepest held belief. brownish spider. brownish leaf. confirms my deepest held belief.
Monday, October 8, 2012
The simple, "I love you."
Good morning my friends!
It has been quite some time since I've last written to you! I hope that the each of you are doing well and have been experiencing good days.
As of lately, I have experienced my share of ups and downs, but what is grace to me right now is the fact that the Lord always has and will continue to give me the strength and confidence to know that these hard times I experience even while in school are for a reason to build me up and He is using me, nothing is a waste. Learning experiences, really. I'm growing in all aspects of who I am and if anything I've really come to terms with so much more transferring to RIT and meeting all these new people from all forms of diversity is that we are made to be diverse. The different cultures that I am learning about and how these new people in my life were raised has been quite interesting for me to gain an understanding about.
This understanding has helped me to realize that all of who we are really is derived partially according to how we are raised by our parents in a certain environment. The impact is deep and sharp.
Deeper and sharper than I had ever grasped before.
This form of deep and sharp has really just shot me right into the heart in a way that isn't necessarily harsh, but an eye opener.
An eye opener to just how much I am blessed to have the parents and entire family that I do.
We all do become frustrated with our own parents and family altogether, right? (Who doesn't?) I guess that when hearing one talk about their parents and family, how annoying they may be or how rude they are makes me feel not exactly bad for what I hear, but pity because a family isn't and shouldn't be about a person feeling as if they cannot trust one another or communicate period with such haste. Family is about love.
The Lord has made great emphasis on how much we should respect and love one another in the family all throughout His entire Word. He has told us repetitively how we should be living and respectful towards one another.
He has told us to submit to Him.
Proverbs 3:6
New International Version (NIV)
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
When we are told to submit to Him, it also applies to our parents as well. Now, submitting isn't necessarily giving in, don't take that in such a form of connotation. It's really about one being able to give their hearts and minds to being open and just, honest, and respectful towards the one above them. It is about obeying. The Lord is above us and so are our parents and elders. Those who are in line with you, you should also treat the same aka siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc.
The Lord talks about how obeying (being respectful, if you think about it) is something that pleases Him and it is right.
Colossians 3:20
New International Version (NIV)
20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Ephesians 6:1
New International Version (NIV)
6 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Thinking about all of this, really makes me remember that all of this should be done out of love. When one truly loves, they are displaying a form of respect (submitting, obeying) and honesty. One honestly and sincerely shows respect when they are able to show love, this love is respectful and is derived from the Spirit and is abundantly fruitful in all forms of kind things of the heart.
With all this said, when we do that and even say, "I love you." It's a very fragile and important phrase. Think about it. Just what does this all mean when you are sharing it? You don't just say that phrase without meaning something behind it right? Despite you may say that you do, really, if you didn't feel something of what love really means or anything, one wouldn't say it at all.
Therefore, it's really a phrase that is said with great importance and isn't shared enough in the right way! It's tossed around so much and when it is, one is tossing around their own heart as if it was loose chain in a pocket! Don't be carrying it around like that, put it in your wallet and protect it! Protect the heart and all of that love you hold inside without being afraid to be sacrificial of course, but protect and use it wisely. All that inside is so vital and vulnerable. That vital and vulnerability is actually something so deeply important to be sharing with YOUR family, not just those outside of the family. More importantly, God and your parents!
To say, "I love you," to the Lord, your Father in Heaven...or your parents and family is so vital in this time because we do not hear or say it enough to one another. If we do it's completely one sided. One sided, all coming from the Lord (because His love is constant and is always showing it!) AND our parents!
How much does your parents say, "I love you," and you do not say it back, but may only say it back because you feel obligated or annoyed? We all have been there. Don't feel guilty about it because you're not alone, but feel guilty for the fact it is being tossed around as if it wasn't vital or a vulnerable aspect in your life.
Those above us that I speak of say and share this because they really do mean it and do their best to show it to you. They show it by their actions, not just words. When one does the same in return it changes everything in the heart in so many good ways. It helps the both of you to realize just how much you mean to one another and does bring everyone closer together not just as a family, but in what is love.
Today made me really think about how much, "I love you," really means to the ones above us and how much we are to be sharing it in the right manner with the right state of heart and mind. It made me realize how much I should say and show it to God, my parents, family as an entirety, and those outside of that spectrum because it is deserved even despite at moments, I feel that it isn't, it really is deserving. The times we aren't deserving we still receive it, therefore, why can't we feel the same at times with others? We should. Be open to love and saying, "I love you," only if you really are meaning it in the right place because if you're not, it isn't that person that is at a loss, it is you because it is your heart that has become bitter. Don't let that fill you, let love in. Let love fill, control, and show you the right way to say and show, "I love you," to those above and around you.
It changes an entire perspective of multiple hearts.
The challenge is, are you willing and ready to use it in the most vital, vulnerable, yet simple way?
Today, take the time to say, "I love you," the right way to God, your parents, family, and those around you. If not saying it, show it. Always.
In Him,
PS. Today, I texted my parents saying that I love you and hope that they have a good day and hoping all is well.
Made their days.
The littlest gestures with such a phrase goes a long way. That is my proof. Challenge Accepted?
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