Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Have you ever?

To whom it may concern:

Have you ever wondered about your past actions?

Have you ever stopped to take the time to think?

Have you ever wondered about how I even felt?

Have you ever stopped to apologize?

Have you ever wondered what it would do to yourself?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why it does to me?

Have you ever wondered what it does to our relationship?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why?

Have I, myself done you so wrong?

Have I ever hurt you to the very extent that I hurt?

Have you thought about the future?

Have you thought about how others are affected?

Have you ever cared for the way that I care about you?

Have you ever cared to be thankful?

Have you ever cared to be content?

Have you ever wanted something healthy with us?

Have you ever just thought to be more than what you are now?

Have you ever even cared to treat me with respect?

Have you ever dared to remember that blood is thicker than water?

Oh, my brother...

We are at sea...lost....sailing different routes....

with minds split apart like two worlds...

The storms never cease nor do they still in calm within our worlds...

How is it that the wave of anger rises to where it never crashes?

Have you ever thought the thoughts that I do?

I have said things, too.
Won't deny it.

Respect, I still have, but slowly it sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor...

never a bubble rise.

Gasp for air
Gasp for one last thought of...

knowing there is a chance for us to survive the storms.

Have you ever thought that we'd survive a storm on two different seas within our own sails?
I have faith.
I steer to adjust my ways just for you to know...

I'd go the distance to show how much you mean to me.

One sided...I can't help, but feel...

Oh, brother,

When did you become lost at sea?

When did you decide it was okay to be a sailor with such language and disrespect?

Have you ever wanted to
grab another boat and set sail the correct path?

I, the young one sailor in the world...
wish that you'd come back to shore and never sail afar again...

it's a rough world,
that I know,
yet know..

you mean more to me than these strings pulling us apart.

you mean more to me than an entire crew of mates

because you're the ultimate friend who needs a friend like me.

We don't know each other.
Never a call.

I call out far,
no answer.

Do I hesitate?
Though, God gives me hope...

that you'll return to your ways and trust in what could be like gold.

richer in blood than these earned gold pieces...

we'll reach that climax one day that is seen on the map...

sailing together with support and rich in a relationship than anything else...

I want you to be.

You're my brother.
I love you.
Don't stray away.
I try and try...
where else do I go from this point?

Lost, I am.
Found, you shall be.

Love is the key.
Know that you've got mine
Despite all hardships we face,
the arguments,
and the fact we are two different people...

I love you still because blood is thicker than water..

Often, I wonder, "have you ever" simply for the fact...

I love you my brother and want what is best for you.

Shocking, but I want a brother/sister relationship. A healthy one.
Not anything different.

Have you ever thought about how close we could be?
Have you ever thought that your love runs deeper with family?

I know I have.
Have you ever?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Something or MANY things to pray about. :)

Dear God,
I know I haven't been prayerful lately with a whole lot of things, but you really have been blessing me in bigger ways than I would have thought a few months ago.
These past few months have been so busy, filled with hardship, confusion, stress, and worry.
Lord, you have not ceased to amaze me one bit with the fact of teaching me contentment, relaxation (and the fact it's okay to relax and NOT worry), to learn more about myself and my relationship with not only you, but others.
I am all the more thankful for my relationships that I have with everyone in my life. You've blessed me beyond words could even say, write, and explain on any elaborate way possible.
Thank you for teaching me contentment. I've learned to be content with being single, not being able to know what was going on in my life, the reasons behind all things, why You had chosen for me to go home, why things played out the way they did with certain people, and why I was chosen to be blessed the way that I was.
Thank you for teaching me that money and possessions aren't important compared to you and everyone else in my life. Thank you for continuously help me to understand that I may not have a lot, but having less is the true blessing to a heart who has less and helps one to be content with all the more that they have in their life that truly matters; You alone, family, friends, and the church body.
Thank you for teaching me that I can be strong even though I don't always like to show that I have moments of weakness and it's okay to be weak.
It's okay to cry, show emotion, and need help. Thank you for teaching me not to be afraid to get the help that I needed long ago and for being mature about it.
I am thankful to you that I now have a better understanding of what you want from me in Your kingdom and where I belong.
I've learned that upmost I belong to You and Your plans for me. I belong in Your heart.
That I belong having a career in the arts where I'm strong.
Lord, learning that I can also do ministry in Philadelphia has been the biggest deal to me because I love serving You. I love to serve You and share the Good News about Your Son, Jesus. I THANK YOU so much for choosing me to do so. I wouldn't want it any other way.
To think that You had chosen me long ago and to know that I come before Your cross surrendering all...I would have never known You would do this to me.
Thank you for choosing me and all of Your people...loving us the ways that You do.

God, I want to dedicate all that I am to you so much that it makes me cry out to You asking that You'd help me.
Awakening my soul...in the ways that You do with every thought of You, situation that comes on hand, and prayer...
what You do to me is amazing and I feel so blessed by You.
Thank you for blessing me the ways that You have because I don't know where I would be without You.

Lord, forgive me for not thinking of You so much lately and being caught up in things of this world.
It's such a harsh temptation, but I know that You understand and I am all the more grateful knowing that You understand me.
Lord, you know my heart best and you know that I am dedicated despite I may fall.
I write to You so that You can see how much I really love you and want to share my experiences and faith so that others may be inspired to love you and seek your face.
Seek you with all of their hearts just as I am.

Lord, I pray that we may seek our hearts to You so that we may be inspired by Your glory to spread the Good News and share of Your great love.
‎"He said, "Go and tell this people: 'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed." Isaiah 6:9-10
Lord, you have called us out of darkness into lives so glorious, God we live for you. ♥
We are to be understanding, patient, and loving with our eyes, ears, and hearts, opening them up with an open mind, but a mind that is focused on Jesus and His ways ultimately, while being loving to all of His creation.

Lord, I feel so inspired to just share the ways that I speak with you because I am blessed by being open with my writing and I am so thankful!

Friends, our God is so cool! Though, the relationship aspect may seem intimidating, trust me, all He wants is to love you FOR YOU and you to love and accept Jesus as Your savior. It's so awesome. :)

Lord, I pray for everyone to seek your face and to know you one day. I pray that you would guide our hearts to be of you and that our thoughts would be of you.
I pray that we would be patient and understanding with people that are of you and who may not be, so that we are loving in all ways possible.
I pray that our love would be spread throughout the world aboundingly and that we would learn to accept the heart rather than what a person may have done for whenever those things do not define the heart, but rather shows a mistake. We as a people are no where near perfect and we all need to understand no one is better than the other...we're equal and should be loved for who we are now and will be in the future rather than the very past.
Lord, I thank you for teaching us to love and giving us the ability to love.
The ability to love is a blessing alone.

God, I thank you for opening and closing doors in the ways that you have.
I thank you for blessing me with all of my family, friends, and boyfriend. They're all amazing to me and they would not be here in my life if it weren't for you.
thank you for blessing me with these people in the ways that You have.
I pray that you would guide my family, friends, and boyfriend to be of You and that you would guide their hearts, minds, and faith to be surrendering to You so that You may be glorified ultimately.

I know that You will do great things with my family, friends, and boyfriend. You will bless them in ways unimaginable.

Despite, not everyone that I know is of the faith, I still pray that You would work through them so that they may grow close to You. Use Your Spirit Lord according to Your will and ways.

Lord, my mind is going a thousand milliseconds fast and I can't help, but want to pray for the world.
Our world is at fault with one another and of worldly ways. I pray for this world, every single country, leader, citizen, and all of the things because we need Your guidance, wisdom, and love present in these times.
Things are hard right now, but I have faith and hope that You will have Your way with all the things in this world and that we may see You working.
Lord, we need You...at every hour. We need You so much.

I feel that our world is coming to an end at some point soon and I feel the need to pray that when You do return that none of Your people (including myself) would not be in fear, but great joy to see Your face.
It does make me nervous, but I am happy to know that I will be in Your kingdom finally!

God, I pray for all the financial issues arising. It's so hard right now, especially with families and those alone. There is children and adults that are homeless and starving world wide and I pray that you would provide for these people and nourish their minds and bodies. Help and protect these people.

I pray for my family's financial situation. I pray that You would provide for us according to Your timing and ways...that my mother would be relax and not worry and know that You will provide.
It's hard for her to have faith, but I pray that you work in her.
Give my family comfort in knowing we'll make it through just as we always have.
You have always provided us little by little and I am thankful because it's always enough for us to realize how blessed we are by the little things rather than the big.
We have never had big things in life and that makes me thankful in knowing that we are able to learn so vastly that we can live without possessions and bigger values because we are so understanding of what matters in life, what is important to have and not have and consider each other a blessing with a home...a home not only that isn't just a roof, but a home where the heart is so vibrant where we are warm and welcoming to all those who enter in our presence.
That, I am thankful for. THANK YOU!
My family is the best and I wouldn't trade any of them ever despite I may get annoyed with some family, but that's okay and normal!

Okay, I am totally just rambling here, Lord, but You know writing this out helps me out with my thoughts. :)

Just thank you for everything and everyone that has happened and blessed me in these past couple months.
You're truly awesome.

God will never fail you. I know there are times where we may feel God isn't there, but trust me, He is.
God has always been there from the very beginning and will always be, even when the world is no more..He will be there!

May God bless you in the ways that He has blessed me, if not even more so!
I pray for all of you and extend my love out to you.


God, thanks for letting me be up this late at night just to write to you.
Please protect us through the night and bring us tomorrow a day for You.

I pray that tomorrow will go well and that you will protect all of your people. Thank you.

-In Jesus's holy precious name,

<3 Mak

Ps. I know this is really scattered..but I feel SOOO much better getting this off of my chest and mind!