Friday, September 30, 2011

I asked. I was answered.

This is where I will be honest because I am not sure what else I could possibly do:

1. I've been selfish lately with God. I've wanted something greater than just a friendship with a person...

Yet, despite prayers, I've also asked in those prayers that God would teach me patience through experience rather than just giving it to me because a great friend/mentor to me; Leslie, said that God doesn't just hand over patience....He teaches it.

Well, with her wisdom, she was correct. God certainly teaches about patience through experience rather than just giving it so freely.

Nothing is given so's a learning experience and through the experiences we become not only just wise, but we gain so much understanding of who God is, why He does what He does, and His timing altogether. We learn of His great love and patience with us while we can learn to be that way with not just Him too, but others.

God is good. That's all I will say. He's good.
He's helped me to realize that I need to appreciate the people in my life and never want more than what I have right away just because I feel comfortable.
I need to be able to step outside of the comfort zone and be okay...
I haven't learned that with some places, but I'm still in training.

God has blessed me with friendships that are so significant to me that I sometimes wonder why it is, why is it that very person, what does our relationship with one another mean? What does our faith mean with one another?

I've learned that faith comes first before. Christ first in everything.

God answered my prayers to this: what way? This way:
I've liked a person for awhile and decided to hint around the area of him knowing because I wanted to be honest with him, God, and my feelings.
A friend of mine who knew of the situation talked to him previously and found out he wanted a friendship because he cared too much about me that he didn't want to ruin that.
He told me this:
"You're my best friend...."
Me: "And you don't want to ruin that."
Him: "Exactly. You're my best friend...because I am able to be myself around you...geek out to the highest of degrees...I'm thankful for that."
Me: "I understand. I think that's why I like you, too, because I am able to nerd out with you...and everything...with complete confidence...and..."
We both stopped...and nodded...
Him: "Well this is awkward..."
Me: "yeah...a bit..."
We both went off to class saying see ya we normally would...

He was shocked that I had seen him more than a friend...he didn't realize...certain things...

What can I do? I want a friendship more than nothing with him. He's a wonderful person with a great heart. I really admire the fact God has shown me that a friendship is better than anything that could possibly go to ruin.
He taught me...that patience in the area of "dating" is important. I shouldn't be searching. I need to be searching for understanding and greater things with God rather than a relationship and material things of this world.

All I can do is continuously thank God for the great friendships I've been blessed with and ask that He just blesses these people who are in my life.

I pray that the Lord will continue to show me what's in important in life and teach me to be the best friend that I can be to all people that are in my life.
That He would teach me patience through experience.
To be pure in my mind and heart, to not want things of this world, but to be all that He is.
I pray that the Lord does the very same for all of His people.
To have a friendship and relationship with the Lord is the best relationship ever and His love never ends.
He's the best.

May the Lord show you that the people in your life aren't a mistake, but rather a complete blessing no matter the type of relationship you have with them. To be patient with all kinds of relationships because we are all different and to love one another because He loved first.

Blessings on your day and weekend,

In the journey of faith in the light and dark,
